Annexure –II
(Reference: Para. 4.4)
1. Name of District with full address
2. Whether Action Plan for the current year has been approved in District.
3. Cumulative resources released during the year to District.
(Rs. in Lakhs)
(Foodgrains in Metric Tonne)
Current Year: Previous Year : Year before last
(a) Central release of cash component:
(b) Quantity of foodgrains :
Note: One Metric Tonne of foodgrains contains 1000 Kg of foodgrains
4. Whether Utilisation Certificate of both Cash Component and the Foodgrains under the NFFWP for the
last year has been sent to the Government of India (enclose a copy).
5. Whether Audit Report based on reports received from the Implementing Agencies for the last year
has been received (enclose a copy of the Audit Report).
6. Expenditure Details
(Rs. in lakhs)
(Foodgrains in Metric Tonnes)
Current Year
Previous Year
i) Carry over funds from the previous year:
(a) Cash
(b) Quantity of Unlifted Foodgrains
(c) Quantity of unutilized Foodgrains
ii) Release during the year
(a) Cash
(b) Quantity of Foodgrain Authorized
iii) Quantity of Foodgrains Lifted during the year
iv) Unadjusted advances with implementing Agencies, if any (as per Audit report)
v) Miscellaneous receipts, if any
vi) Total availability
(a) Cash {i (a)+ii(a)+iv+v}
(b) Quantity of Unutilized Foodgrains {i (c)+iii}
vii) Expenditure during the year
(a) Cash
(b) Exp. On Admn. Contigency
(c) Total (a)+(b) :
(d) Quantity of Foodgrains Utilized
viii) Carryover to the next year
(a) Cash
(b) Quantity of Unutilized Foodgrains
8. It is certified that :
i. All conditions laid-down in guidelines are being fulfilled.
ii. There is no case of diversion and embezzlement of funds
iii. Muster Rolls have been maintained as per the NFFWP guidelines.
iv. NFFWP funds are kept in the Savings Bank Accounts/Post Office by all implementing/ executing agencies.
v. All pending progress/monitoring reports have been sent.
vi. The details of the works under NFFWP have been publicised and informed in the concerned Gram Sabhas.
vii. No work started more than two years ago remains unfinished.
viii. Certified that works are being executed as per priority laid down in the Perspective Plan.
ix. Certified that provisions regarding Social Audit in para 6.3 of guidelines are being strictly followed.
x. The Utilisation report is based on actual expenditure incurred and advances have not been shown
as expenditure. However, advances shown in the Audit Report of the Chartered Accountant taken as expenditure later, on receipt
of report from the Implementing Agencies, separate explanation is enclosed (strike out, if not applicable).
Name …………………………
Office Stamp of the Collector of the
District concerned Dated:
Annexure –III
FOR THE YEAR……………………………………………….
(Reference : Para 4.4(iv)
District ------------------- of ---------------State.
Utilisation Certificate for the Year…………………
a)Unspent Balance for previous year…………………………
b)Grant received during the year………………………….
(Rs. In Lakh)
Complete Letter No. & Date
Central Govt.
a) Miscellaneous receipts of the Agency, if any under NFFWP
Total funds available:
Certified that a sum of Rs. …………lakhs (Rs…………………….…..)
was received by the District. ……………………………… Grants-in-Aid
during…………………….from the Govt. of India vide Ministry of……………………………….’s
letter No. & Date given on the margin under NFFWP. Further a sum of Rs……………(Rs……………………only)
being unspent balance of the previous year……………..was allowed to be brought forward for utilization
during the current year…………………. The miscellaneous receipt of the agency during the
------- year ----- were Rs.-------- lakh.
It is also certified that out of the above mentioned total funds of Rs………….(Rs………………..)
a sum of Rs…………….(Rs………………….) has been utilized by
the District during…………………..for the purpose for which it was sanctioned out of which,
an amount of Rs……….( in words) has been utilized on Administrative Contingency as per Para. 5.6 of the NFFWP
Guidelines. It is further certified that the unspent balance of Rs………………(Rs………)
remaining at the end of the year will be utilised for the programme during the next year.
3. Certified that I have satisfied myself that the conditions on which funds was sanctioned have been
duly fulfilled/are being fulfilled and that I have exercised following checks to see that the money has been actually utilised
district-wise for the purpose for which it was sanctioned:
Kind of checks exercised:
(i) The Agency’s statement of Accounts for the year ……………….duly
audited by the Chartered Accountant have been obtained and sanctioned.
(ii) The Utilisation Certificates and Audit/Inspection Reports for the prescribed year of the district
have been obtained and duly scrutinized.
(iii) It has been ensured that the physical and financial performance under NFFWP has been according
to the requirement as prescribed in the guidelines issued by Govt. of India/State Government.
Name …………………………
Office Stamp of the Collector of the
District concerned
FOR THE YEAR………………………………………..
(Reference : Para 4.4(iv))
District ---------------------- of ------------ State.
Utilisation Certificate in respect of foodgrains for the Year ………………………
a) Unlifted Quantity of the
Previous Year……….
i) Rice -------------MT
ii) Wheat ------------MT
b) Unutilised Balance of the previous year…………
i) Rice -------------MT
ii) Wheat ------------MT
c) Quantity of foodgrains released by the Ministry during the year…………
i)Rice -----------MT
ii)Wheat ------------MT
d) Quantity of foodgrains lifted during the year ………..(out of current year releases
(+) and out of unlifted quantity of the previous year as shown at (a) above.
i)Rice -----------MT
ii)Wheat ------------MT
e) Quantity of foodgrains Utilized during the year…………
i)Rice -----------MT
ii)Wheat ------------MT
Certified that ………………metric tonnes of Rice and --------
metric tonnes of Wheat was received by the Distirct ----------------------------------------(name of the District) from the
Govt. of India as part of NFFWP Grant vide Ministry of…………………………….’s
letter No. & Date given on the margin. Further ----------------tonnes of Rice---------- metric tonnes of Wheat being unutilised
balance of the previous year……………..was allowed to be brought forward for utilisation during
the current year. The total quantity of foodgrains available is ………………….MT of rice
and -------MT of wheat.
It is also certified that out of the above mentioned quantity of foodgrains, MTs ------------
Rice and ------------- MTs of Wheat has been utilized by the District during the current year for the purpose for which it
was sanctioned. It is further certified that the unutilised balance of -------- metric tonnes of rice and -------- metric
tonnes of wheat remaining at the end of the year will be utilised for the programme during the next year.
Certified that I have satisfied myself that the conditions on which foodgrains was sanctioned
have been duly fulfilled and that I have exercised following checks to see that the foodgrains has been actually utilized
in the district for the purpose for which it was sanctioned:
Kind of checks exercised:
(i) Verification of Stock register maintained by Executing Agencies of the District.
(ii) The Utilisation Certificate for the prescribed year in respect of all the Executing
Agencies of the District have been obtained and duly scrutinized.
(iii) It has been ensured that the physical and financial performance under the NFFWP
has been according to the requirements as prescribed in the guidelines issued by Govt. of India and in accordance with Perspective
Plan/ Action Plan of the programme.
Name …………………………
Office Stamp of the Collector of the
District concerned Dated: