National Food for Work Programme
Government of India
Ministry of Rural Development
(Department of Rural Development)
Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi-110001.
National Food for Work Programme
2 |
I |
3-4 |
II |
5-8 |
9 |
IV |
10-18 |
V |
19-23 |
VI |
24-25 |
26-28 |
31- 51 |
Unfortunately, despite 57 years of independence, the pace of development
among the different States of the country and within the State among the different districts, has not been uniform. There
are not only regional differences, but the divide appears to be ever widening. There are still districts, which lack in basic
infrastructure, facilities and employment opportunities. It is from these districts reports of starvation deaths from time
to time and massive migration of labour are reported. It is, therefore, quite imperative that such districts are identified
and a sincere attempt is made to bring them at par with other districts.
The Planning commission has identified 150 most backward districts of the country on
the basis of prevalence of poverty indicated by SC/ST population, agricultural productivity per worker and agricultural wage
rate. Most of them happen to be tribal districts. There is a need for substantial additional investment in these districts
to convert their surplus labour into required capital formation solving livelihood issues.
The new Food for Work Programme is such an attempt. Substantial resources in the form
of cash and foodgrains are being provided under the programme to generate additional supplementary wage employment and to
create productive assets in these 150 identified districts. Through the programme, an attempt will be made to coordinate among
different on going schemes which have wage employment potential, so that the focused approach provides a solid base for the
districts to take off on their own. The success of the programme will depend on the vision with which it is implemented.
The new Food for Work Programme is also a move towards wage employment guarantee. It
is an experiment, which if successfully carried out, will give the government the necessary confidence to take responsibility
for providing wage employment guarantee, initially in these 150 identified districts and later, gradually in the remaining
districts of the country.
To provide additional resources apart from the resources available under the Sampoorna
Grameen Rozgar Yojana (SGRY) to 150 most backward districts of the country so that generation of supplementary wage employment
and providing of food-security through creation of need based economic, social and community assets in these districts is
further intensified.
The NFFWP will be open to all rural poor who are in need of wage employment and desire
to do manual and unskilled work. The programme will be self-targeting in nature.
The programme will be initially implemented in 150 most backward districts of the country as identified
by the Planning Commission in consultation with the Ministry of Rural Development. The list of 150 districts is given in ANNEXURE-
The programme will be implemented as a 100% Centrally Sponsored Scheme. Foodgrains will
also be provided to the States free of cost. The transportation cost, handling charges, and taxes on foodgrains will, however,
be the responsibility of the States.
i) Collector will be the Nodal Officer at the district level and overall responsibility
of planning, implementation, coordination, monitoring and supervision will be that of the Collector of the District. The necessary
assistance will be provided to the Collector from the DRDA/District Panchayat (DP) to whom funds and foodgrains will be released.
ii) The focus of the programme will be on works relating to water conservation, drought
proofing (including afforestation/tree plantation) and land development. Flood-control/protection( incuding drainage in waterlogged
areas), rural connectivity in terms of all-weather roads and any other similar activity for economic sustainability, keeping
in view the area specific problems, can be included provided the principal focus of the programme on water conservation and
drought proofing is maintained.
iii) A five-year Perspective Plan for the district and shelf of works, Block-wise and
Gram Panchayat-wise, will be prepared under the programme.
iv) Works which can be undertaken within the resources available under any other ongoing
Central Scheme or any State Government Scheme falling within the Perspective Plan will be taken up under the respective schemes.
2.1 Distribution of foodgrains as part of wages under the NFFWP is based on the principle
of protecting the real wages of the workers besides improving the nutritional standards of the families of the rural poor.
2.2 Foodgrains should be given as part of wages under the NFFWP to the rural poor at the rate of 5
Kg. per manday. More than 5 kg foodgrains can be given to the labourers under this programme in exceptional cases subject
to a minimum of 25% of wages to be paid in cash. The State Governments will take into account the cost of foodgrains paid
as part of wages, at a uniform BPL rate. The workers will be paid the balance of wages in cash, such that they are assured
of the notified Minimum Wages.
In the event of non-availability/inadequate availability of foodgrains, wages in kind may be less than
5kg of foodgrains per manday and the remaining portion may be given in cash. In the reverse case of less availability of cash,
the wages in cash may be less than 25% and the remaining portion may be given in kind as foodgrains. However, the norm of
minimum 5 kg. of foodgrains and minimum of 25% wages in cash should be maintained as far as possible. No additional allocation
of cash in lieu of foodgrains will be made by the Central Government.
2.3 The Central Government will provide foodgrains and cash component to the States in order to generate
additional wage employment. If there is a balance of foodgrains from the NFFWP, the same can be utilized for dovetailing with
other Central/State Sector Schemes provided 100% cash requirement is available from such schemes.
2.4 Distribution of foodgrains to the workers under the Programme will be either through PDS or by
the Village Panchayat or implementing agency or any other Agency appointed by the State Government. Distribution of foodgrains
will be made to the workers, most preferably, at the work site. In the event of the workers belonging to one Habitation and
should they choose to receive foodgrains in their Habitation, the same could be organized. While the State Government would
have the option of utilizing the PDS, it will have to be ensured that effective safeguards are in place to avoid leakages.
DPs/DRDAs will make necessary arrangements for distribution of foodgrains among the concerned Agencies.
2.5 Distribution and Release of Foodgrains
(i) The Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) will release foodgrains in two instalments
to the District Panchayat (DP)/DRDA under intimation to Food Corporation of India (FCI) and the Department of Food & Public
Distribution, Government of India. The FCI will send an appropriate advice to the Regional and Designated Depots of FCI for
further release of foodgrains to the District Panchayats/DRDAs or to the authorized agencies of the State Government under
intimation to the Ministry of Rural Development and the Secretary (RD) of the State Government.
(ii) The Ministry of Rural Development will release funds for the foodgrains directly to the FCI at
the BPL Rate. The FCI will be required to send bills duly verified by the DP/DRDA to the Ministry of Rural Development on
the basis of statements of quantities of foodgrains allocated, lifted District-wise, signed jointly by the CEO District Panchayat/PD
(DRDA) and District Manager, FCI.
(iii) No payment will be required to be made to the FCI at the depots by the DRDA or
Authorized Agency for lifting the Foodgrains within the District-wise allocation communicated by the Ministry of Rural Development.
2.6 Procedure for lifting of foodgrains from FCI Depots2.6.1 The DP/DRDA will identify the nearest
depot of the FCI from which they are proposing to lift the foodgrains so that there is economy in the transportation charges
for lifting of foodgrains. The District office of the FCI will issue release authorization against the District allocation
for the NFFWP. It will be desirable if the DP/DRDA informs the FCI’s District office concerned about the quantities
of foodgrains likely to be lifted by them on a monthly or a quarterly basis. The FCI is obliged to issue foodgrains against
the release even without such intimation if stocks of foodgrains are available with them. However, advance intimation is likely
to help in ensuring adequate stocks in the concerned depots at the time they are needed.
2.6.2 Stocks once issued will not be taken back by the FCI. It would, therefore, be the
responsibility of the DPs/DRDAs to ensure that the quality of wheat/ rice supplied to them conforms to ‘Fair Average
Quality’ (FAQ). The concerned officers of the DPs/DRDAs should conduct inspection of the stocks before taking delivery
of the same to ensure that foodgrains below FAQ are not accepted.
2.6.3 The normal procedure by way of joint sampling, as is done for the PDS, will operate. In case
of any complaint, the sample from the field will be compared with the sample packet retained at the FCI Depot and action will
be initiated against all responsible in this behalf, if any discrepancy is established.
2.7 Provision of Transportation Cost/Handling Charges
The State Governments will bear the transportation cost and other handling charges from their own resources.
Any taxes/charges like sales tax, octroi etc. will be borne by the States concerned. Cash component cannot be used for transportation,
payment of local taxes etc.
2.8 Disposal of Empty Gunny Bags
The gunny bags in which the foodgrains are received for distribution under the Programme will be disposed
of in accordance with the prescribed procedure in the State and the sale proceeds of the same can be used for making payment
towards the transportation cost/handling charges.
- The wages under the NFFWP shall normally be paid partly in foodgrains and partly in cash.
- The wages to be paid under the NFFWP both for skilled and unskilled labour shall not be less than
the minimum wages fixed by the State Government under the relevant Statute for agricultural labourers as applicable to the
rural areas.
- Equal wages shall be paid under the programme to both men and women workers.
- Payment of wages shall be made on a fixed day in a week preferably a day before the local market day.
- In case the executing Agencies do not pay the wages for a category of employment at the rate notified
for the relevant schedule of employment under the relevant Statute, the District Panchayat/Intermediate Panchayat shall withhold
further release of funds to that implementing agency and inform the fact to the concerned authority for suitable action against
the erring official under the relevant Statute and also inform the Central Government.
- Where the Central Government finds that the above provisions are not being followed, it may withhold
further release of resources under the programme to the District concerned.
- The NFFWP will be allocation-based in terms of cash and foodgrains. The resources will be provided
directly to the selected 150 backward Districts. The allocation of resources among the districts will be on the basis of percentage
of each district in the total allocation of these districts under SGRY. The resources will be released in two instalments
in a year.
- Subject to the fulfillment of conditions given below, the cash and foodgrains component will be released
every year to the District Rural Development Agency (DRDA)/District Panchayat (DP) as follows :-
- Release of initial instalment (in 2004-05) and first instalment of cash component in subsequent years.
In the first year of the programme (2004-05), total allocation for the district under the scheme will
be released. The amount so released will include the cost of preparation of the Perspective Plan, which may be upto Rs.10
lakh per district. The first instalment of the next year (2005-06) shall be released on receipt of the Perspective Plan and
its approval by the Ministry of Rural Development and after utilisation of 60% of the available funds. The first instalment
in the subsequent years (2006-07 onwards) will be released automatically to those districts which were released the second
instalment in the previous year without any condition. The districts, which could not take the second instalment in the previous
year, shall submit the proposal of the first instalment after fulfilling the conditions, which should have been met in previous
year. The districts which received second instalment in the previous year conditionally shall submit their proposal for first
instalment after fulfilling conditions imposed at the time of the release of second instalment in previous year.
- Second instalment of cash component : The second instalment of Central assistance for the year 2005-06
and subsequent years will be released on request from the DP/DRDA in the prescribed proforma as per Annexure-II and on fulfillment
of the following conditions:
- 60% of the total available funds, that is opening balance of the year (in case of proposal for the
first instalment, opening balance of the previous year) plus the amount received including the State share (if the State share
has not been released against the first instalment, notional State share will be taken into account for the purpose of calculation
of total availability) and other receipts during the year should have been utilized at the time of submitting the proposal
for the second instalment.
- The opening balance of the District i.e. the aggregate balances with the District Panchayat/DRDA and
all implementing agencies should not exceed 15% of the funds available during the previous year (effective from 2006-07 onwards).
In case, the opening balance exceeds this limit, the Central share of the excess will be deducted 100% at the time of release
of the second instalment.
- Submission of Audit Reports for the NFFWP for the last year and submission of Action Taken Report
on the comments made in the audit report of the previous year. The Audit Report should contain a Certificate from the Chartered
Accountant that while auditing the district account of the NFFWP, he has taken into account the Bank Reconciliation Statement
and the accounts of all Implementing Agencies and that advances have not been treated as expenditure .
- Submission of Utilization Certificates of cash component and foodgrains from Collector for the previous
year should be submitted in the prescribed Proforma as per Annexures-III & IV
- Submission of non-diversion and non-embezzlement certificate.
- All pending progress/monitoring reports should have been sent.
- Submission of a statement about the number of inspections conducted by officers at Block, Sub-Divisional,
District, Divisional and State-level on the proforma as per Annexure-V.
- Any other condition imposed from time to time will also have to be complied with.
- For the sake of convenience, a checklist for the documents to be furnished along with the proposal
is given in Annexure-VI.
- Release of funds to the Implementing Agencies
The funds to the Implementing Agencies will be released immediately on the sanction of the works either
in full or in installments as may decided by the Collector. The Implementing Agencies which fail to render the accounts and
Utilisation Certificate for the funds released earlier should not be considered for implementation of new works and release
of further funds.
4.7 Diversion of Resources
Diversion of resources (including foodgrains) from one District to another is not permitted.
4.8 Carryover funds not to exceed 15%
All Districts should utilise the funds made available to them during the year in which they are made
available. If the carryover funds are more than 15% of the funds available during the previous year, Central share of the
excess will be deducted 100% from third year (2006-07 onwards).
4.9 Opening of Bank Accounts
The NFFWP funds shall be kept in a nationalized bank or a Post Office in an exclusive
and separate savings bank account by the District Panchayats/DRDAs and also the Implementing Agencies.
4.10 Utilization of Interest Earned on Deposits
The interest amount accrued on the deposits shall be treated as additional resources
under the NFFWP and should be utilized as per the Guidelines of the Scheme.
4.11 Drawal of funds4.11.1 Drawal of funds by the District Panchayats/DRDAs shall be as per the existing
practice only after the approval of the Collector.
4.11.2 Withdrawal of funds for making payments towards the works undertaken by the Executing Agencies
will be through a cheque and as per the departmental manual, in the absence of which Collector may decide.
Drawal of funds for any other purpose shall not be permitted. Anyone violating it will
be liable for appropriate action.
- Release of foodgrains under the NFFWP
4.12.1 Release of First instalment of foodgrains:
In the first year of the programme (2004-05), total allocation of foodgrains for the district under
the scheme will be released. The first instalment of the next year (2005-06) shall be released on receipt of the Perspective
Plan and its approval by the Ministry of Rural Development and after utilisation of 60% of the available foodgrains. The first
instalment in the subsequent years (2006-07 onwards) will be released automatically to those districts which were released
the second instalment in the previous year without any condition. The districts which could not take the second instalment
in the previous year shall submit the proposal of the first instalment after fulfilling the conditions which should have been
met in previous year. The districts which received second instalment in the previous year conditionally shall submit their
proposal for first instalment after fulfilling conditions imposed at the time of the release of second instalment in previous
4.12.2 Release of second instalment of foodgrains
The second instalment will be released after 50% of the foodgrains allocated as first
instalment has been lifted and 60% of the lifted foodgrains (including carry-over balance) has been utilised. A reconciled
statement of the quantity lifted duly signed by the Collector, District Panchayat/Project Director, DRDA and FCI District
Manager should accompany the proposal. Any district which does not become eligible for release of second instalment due to
non-lifting of foodgrains for reasons beyond the control of the District Panchayat/DRDA concerned like non-availability of
stock in the FCI etc., a certificate to this effect should be obtained from FCI or the Collector of the District or the Secretary,
Rural Development of the State concerned regarding inadequate availability/non-availability of foodgrains and such districts
can be considered for release of second instalment of cash and foodgrains together or separately.
4.12.3 The release of foodgrains will be further subject to the following conditions:
- The release order for foodgrains will be valid upto the 30th June of the next financial year and in
no case shall its validity be extended with the approval of the Ministry of Rural Development in exceptional cases beyond
two financial years including the financial year in which it is issued.
- The cash and foodgrain component will normally be released together. The Ministry may in exceptional
cases allow them to be released separately if the utilisation of either of the components is not upto the required level for
special reasons beyond control.
- The first instalment of foodgrains will be equal to 75% of the total annual allocation of the district.
- The foodgrains against a release order will be lifted only after the quantity authorized in the earlier
orders has been fully lifted.
4.13 Cuts to be imposed on late receipt of proposals
4.13.1 The proposal complete in all respects for release of second instalment by the
DP/DRDA under the signatures of Project Director DRDA and the Collector should be submitted latest by 31st December
every year.
4.13.2 To maintain financial discipline, a mandatory deduction (s) on account of late submission of
proposal by the State Government shall be imposed depending upon the date of receipt of complete proposal for release of second
instalment under NFFWP. Under the system, there will be progressive deductions for proposals(s) received in the month of January
and February @ 10% and 20% respectively on the total Central allocation (inclusive of foodgrains) for the year. Incomplete
proposals will not be accepted. The date on which last information is received from the district shall be treated as date
of receipt of the proposal.
4.13.3 Notwithstanding the above provision (Para 16.1), State should submit the proposal for the second
instalment before 15th February every year. Acceptance of proposals(s) after 15th February upto 28th
February will be considered only in exceptional circumstances. Proposals will not be accepted after February under any circumstances.
However, if the proposal received in the month of March is accepted under special circumstances, 30% cut in the allocation
will be imposed.
4.14 Miscellaneous points
4.14.1 Ban on Contractors and Labour Displacing Machines
The programme will be implemented departmentally only. Contractors are not permitted to be engaged
for execution of any of the works under the programme. No middleman or any other intermediate agency should be employed for
executing works under the programme. The full benefit of wages to be paid should reach the workers and the cost of the works
should not involve any commission charges payable to such contractors, middlemen, or intermediate agency. No task funded under
the programme shall be performed by using Labour Displacing Machines. In case it is reported that contractors and Labour Displacing
Machines are being engaged, the Collector shall withhold further release of funds to the executing agencies and initiate suitable
action against the erring official for misutilisation of funds.
4.14.2 Muster Rolls
Muster rolls shall be maintained for every work separately, showing the details of wages
paid to workers and foodgrains distributed. The muster rolls for all works should have entries showing the number and details
of scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Women and others who have been provided employment. Those responsible for the preparation
of muster rolls should be responsible for these entries also. To prevent non-payment or under payment of wages or any manipulation,
muster rolls should be maintained in stitched forms and all its pages must be numbered.
Muster rolls shall be made available to public for scrutiny and a copy of the same be made available
on demand on nominal price. For works taken up by the Village Panchayats, copies of muster rolls duly certified by the Panchayat
Sarpanch shall be placed before the Gram Sabha.
4.14.3 Records of the Assets Created
Each District shall maintain complete inventory of the assets created under the programme giving details
of the date of the start and the date of completion of the project, cost involved, benefits obtained, employment generated
and other relevant particulars. Signboards should be displayed near the works giving these details. Photographic record of
the work may also be kept of the various stage of implementation before start, during implementation and after completion.
4.14.4 Provision of facilities at the Work-Sites
Wherever required, arrangement for providing facilities like drinking water, rest sheds
for the workers and crèches for the children coming with working mothers should be made. Expenditure involved for providing
these facilities should be met out of the non-wage component under the programme.
4.14.5 Rural Standard Schedule of Rates
The State Secretaries may evolve and publish "Rural Standard Schedule of Rates" to eliminate
the role of contractors.The collectors should prepare descriptive pamphlets explaining the provisions in local language in
easy to understand formats.
- Maintenance of Assets created
Once the construction of a community asset is completed, it will be handed over to the
Panchayat concerned for maintenance. The responsibility of maintenance for other assets, each case will be decided by the
Collector. The State Governments will ensure adequate resources for maintenance of the public assets created under the scheme.
- The Collector will get a Perspective Plan for 5 years prepared for the district basically based on
four activities, namely, water conservation and drought proofing including afforestation; land development, flood control/
protection measures( including drainage in waterlogged areas) and rural connectivity with fair weather roads in the given
order of priority. Experts may be engaged for the purpose.
- For each activity as mentioned above, the works suitable and required for the area are to be identified
in consultation with the Panchayati Raj Institutions concerned and local MP and MLAs. The works so identified may be arranged
into shelves of works Block-wise and Gram Panchayat-wise. The shelf of works at the Gram Panchayat level will follow priority
activity-wise as mentioned above and within the activity on the basis of local urgency and technical requirement.
- For each work basic details including rough cost estimate should be given. Works which can be taken
up under any other Central or State ongoing schemes like Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana (SGRY), Rastriya Sam Vikas Yojana
(RSVY), etc. have to be indicated against the respective works. The remaining works, which can be completed in two years,
will be done under the NFFWP.
- Works earmarked for the NFFWP in the shelf of works may be taken up under the scheme in the order
of priority indicated in the shelf of works depending on the resources availability under the scheme.
- Every Perspective Plan will have an introduction of the district highlighting the special features
and special problems of the district.
- Resources under the programme cannot be utilised for land acquisition. Land belonging to small and
marginal farmers and SC/ST farmers can not be acquired or donated for works under the programme.
- Land development including plantation (horticulture & forestry), apart from Government land, works
can be taken up on private land belonging to BPL farmers with priority to SC/ST farmers living below poverty line.
- Road construction will be allowed only for linking unconnected villages and within the village unconnected
habitation with priority to those villages/ habitations which have SC/ST concentration.
- The State Government will forward the Perspective Plan to the Central Government with its recommendation
along with an undertaking as to how the assets to be created under the scheme will be maintained.
- The Ministry of Rural Development will examine the plan and convey its approval with or without modification.
- After the Perspective Plan has been approved, the resources will be released based on the annual allocation.
- The Ministry in consultation with the State Government may permit necessary amendments in the mode
of execution, agencies for execution and maintenance, keeping in view the specific conditions prevailing in a State or a District
provided the amendment is likely to result a substantial improvement of the scheme and achievement of the objectives.
- The selection of agencies for preparation of Perspective Plan must be done very carefully. Only reputed
organisations/institutions having expertise and competence to do such type of work should be considered and must process adequate
human resources with necessary skills to carry out field surveys, interact with local people and Panchayati Raj Institutions,
conceive and design low-cost projects, use of local resources and draw up workable plans.
- The selection of agency will be by a Committee headed by the Collector. The other members can be decided
by the State Government which will also prescribe parameters for shortlisting of agencies.
- After the selection of the agency, the Collector will enter into an MoU with the agency specifying
the details of work, time-schedule and payment schedule. At least, 25% of the payment shall be made only after the final approval
of the Perspective Plan by the Ministry of Rural Development.
- The payment to the selected agency for Perspective Plan will be made in suitable instalments, the
last-being after the approval of the Plan by the Central Government.
- The payment schedule shall conform to the work schedule and payment shall follow the accomplishment
of tasks assigned and make available the data, records and documents thereof.
- The Perspective Plan shall be made available in the form of hard as well as electronic copies.
- The amount to be paid shall be decided by the Selection Committee subject to any general guidelines
as may be issued by State Government or Central Government.
- As and when and where it is required, works from the shelf of works of the Gram Panchayat concerned
can be taken up.
- The works can be got executed from line departments/ PRIs/ reputed NGOs/ Self-Help Groups/ other agencies
of Central or State Government as may be decided by the Collector.
- The Collector, before entrusting any work to any executing agency shall got an undertaking from the
agency concerned to maintain separate account, make available records for audit and inspection, cooperate in inspection and
follow the guidelines of the scheme. The agencies violating the undertaking should not be considered for further release of
funds and the money already advanced shall be recovered if violations are of very serious nature like use of labour displacing
machines, cost escalations beyond specified limits, diversion of funds, etc.
Necessary sanction may be accorded as per existing instructions of the State Government.
Upto 1% of funds can be used for contingencies and will include monitoring and training
expenses. Complete record should be maintained and reported to the Ministry of Rural Development at the time of second instalment.
5.7.1 Each Executing Agency shall maintain an Employment register, as given in Annexure-VII
for the works being implemented within its jurisdiction under its own component which would contain the details of number
of persons employed including the number of SCs/STs, gender of the workers and number of mandays generated for each work under
the NFFWP. This information should be based on the Muster Rolls to be maintained work-wise. This register would be open to
the public for scrutiny. Copies of this register shall be made available to public on demand, after charging a small fee if
necessary. The State shall fix the fee. Display board should be put on the work site giving details of the work. Photographs
of the works at various stages may also be kept.
5.7.2 The Collector may compile and consolidate information regarding generation of mandays
and expenditure of works activity-wise at the block and the district levels for which, if need be, outsourcing of man power
may be done by using funds for contingency earmarked under the programme.
- DRDA or where DRDA has been merged with District Panchayat, the District Panchayat shall be responsible
for maintenance of accounts and audit. The accounts shall be maintained separately by each executing agency also and presented
for audit.
Both physical and financial audit of the works under the scheme are compulsory. This must be carried
out at the end of the financial year by each district. The audit will be done either by Local Fund Auditors or by the Chartered
Accountants listed in the panel of the State Government or AGs of the State. The audit report together with action taken on
the Auditor’s observations is required to be submitted along with the proposal for release of second instalment of funds.
Such Action Taken Note should be authenticated by Auditor.
For every work sanctioned under the scheme, there will be a monitoring committee of the
villagers of the area belonging to the locality/village where the work is undertaken to monitor the progress and quality while
is work is in progress. Every such committee shall have five to nine members who would be nominated from amongst the social
workers, retired civil, defence or private sector officers, other retired employees like teachers, well-educated persons and
will include an SC/ST and a women's representative. To select the members of the committee and the convenor of the committee,
a meeting of the local beneficiaries will be convened by the local member of the Gram Panchayat. The convenor of the committee
so selected will conduct its future meetings. The work cannot be started unless the monitoring committee has been formed.
This committee would be apprised by the implementing agency about the estimate of the work, time-frame and quality parameters.
The final report of the committee would be attached along with the completion certificate of the work and would also be placed
in the next meeting of the Gram Sabha of the Panchayat where work has been executed. A copy will be sent to Collector.
7.1 Monitoring
7.1.1 The Rural Development Department of the State Government and the Ministry of Rural
Development at the Central level shall monitor the Programme through Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Progress Reports. In addition,
the Monitoring and Vigilance Committees at the State and District levels shall also oversee the Programme as per the Guidelines
issued by the Ministry of Rural Development.
7.1.2 Schedule For Inspection of Works
For effective implementation of the Programme, the State Government will ensure that
the officers at the State, District, Sub-Divisional and Block levels closely monitor all aspects of the Programme through
visits to work sites in the interior areas. A schedule of inspection, which prescribes the minimum number of field visits
for each supervisory level functionary, shall be drawn up by the State Government and strictly adhered to. The schedule so
drawn shall ensure that NFFWP works in at least 10% Panchayats are inspected by district-level officers and in 2% Panchayats
by the State-level officers. A copy of the inspection schedule so drawn will be sent by the State Government to the Ministry
of Rural Development for information. In addition, the State Government should advise the Divisional Commissioners, Collectors,
Additional Collectors and Sub-Divisional officers to inspect some works during their field tours.
7.1.3 The officers dealing with Rural Development/NFFWP at the State headquarters shall visit Districts
regularly and ascertain through field visits that the Programme is being implemented satisfactorily and that execution of
works is in accordance with the prescribed procedures and specifications. The State Government will designate Area Officers
for each district of the State and ensure that they undertake regular field visits to the area assigned to them.
7.1.4 During the course of inspection, if any official comes across any irregularity, he/she should
immediately bring it to the notice of the Collector, District Panchayat and the Project Director, DRDA who would then take
further appropriate action in the matter.
7.1.5. A summary of the number of inspections conducted by District and State-level officers shall
be attached with the proposal for release of second instalment of cash component of Central assistance.(Proforma at Annexure-V)
7.2.1 It shall be open to the Central Government to prescribe reporting formats for Monthly, Quarterly
and Annual Reports. The State Government may, if it so desires, call for such additional information in such formats, as it
may deem fit. The District Panchayats/DRDAs will also be accountable to the State Government to ensure that the returns/reports
in respect of the works taken up for execution under the NFFWP in the Districts are furnished in time.
7.2.2 The following reports and returns will be submitted to the States by the District Panchayats/DRDAs:-
- A Monthly Progress Report to be furnished in Proforma by the 10th of every succeeding month
as per Annexure-VIII. It will be the responsibility of Intermediate Panchayat to submit consolidated report in respect of
Village Panchayats and Intermediate Panchayat of that Panchayat area, by 7th of every month.
- A Quarterly Progress Report to be submitted by the Gram Panchayats and Intermediate Panchayats of
that Panchayat area, by 7th of next month of the quarter ending.The Proforma to be used for this purpose is as per Annexure
(iii) A detailed Annual Progress Report to be submitted by 25th April of the succeeding
year. The Proforma to be used for this purpose is as per Annexure-X.
- The State Government will consolidate these reports and returns received from the Districts and furnish
the same to the Central Government, as follows:-
- monthly report by 25th of every succeeding month.
- quarterly report by 25th of the month following the quarter ending.
- annual report by 26th April of the succeeding year.
7.2.4 The reports would enable the authorities both at the Centre and the State/UT level to monitor
the progress of the programme and to keep a close watch on the wage employment generated and quality of infrastructure created.
It will also help the Governments to take mid-course corrections.
7.2.5 The Central Government may develop a computerized information system for reporting under the
NFFWP. All implementing agencies, District Panchayats/DRDAs shall follow the prescribed system.
The Central Government will also appoint agencies for 100% verification of works and
test check of quality and cost. Apart from District-level monitoring, National Level Monitors shall pay visit to inspect the
works for which they will be assisted by the executing agencies.
The Panchayat concerned will have the right to inspect and review the progress of any work under the
scheme in its jurisdiction.
8.1 Convergence/Dovetailing with other programmes
Funds available from other sources like market committees, co-operatives, NGOs, NRIs and other institutions
could also be dovetailed with the NFFWP funds for works permissible under the later. The funds available with the PRIs from
other sources such as National Finance Commission, State Finance Commission, State Departments, other Central and Centrally
Sponsored Schemes such as Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana (SGRY), Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY), Drought Prone
Areas Programmes (DPAP)/Desert Development Programme (DDP), Rashtriya S am Vikas Yojana (RSVY) etc. can also be dovetailed
for construction of durable community assets/works permissible under the NFFWP. However, NFFWP funds should not be used as
a substitute for Departmental Plan funds of different Departments and agencies. Funds from other programmes for the works
permissible under the NFFWP can be dovetailed with NFFWP funds and not vice versa.
8.2 If the Collectors are unable to utilize entire foodgrains with the cash component available under
the NFFWP, the balance of foodgrains can be utilized by dovetailing the cash component from their State Sector Schemes. However,
the mandays generated under such circumstances will be the part of NFFWP and the same should be reflected in their Annual
and Monthly Progress Reports and Annual Action Plans should be prepared keeping in view the above factors.