3. Text of the Order of 28th November, 2001
After hearing learned counsel for the parties, we issue, as an interim measure,
the following directions:
(i) It is the case of the Union of India that there has been full compliance with regard
to the allotment of foodgrain in relation to the TPDS. However, if any of the States gives a specific instance of non-compliance,
the Union of India will do the needful within the framework of the Scheme.
(ii) The States are directed to complete the identification of BPL families, issuing
of cards and commencement of distribution of 25 kgs. grain per family per month latest by 1st January, 2002.
(iii) The Delhi Govt. will ensure that TPDS application forms are freely available and
are given and received free of charge and there is an effective mechanism in place to ensure speedy and effective redressal
of grievances.
(i) It is the case of the Union of India that there has been full compliance with regard
to the allotment of foodgrain in relation to Antyodaya Anna Yojana. However, if any of the States gives a specific instance
of non-compliance, the Union of India will do the needful within the framework of the Scheme.
(ii) We direct the States and the Union Territories to complete identification of beneficiaries,
issuing of cards and distribution of grain under this Scheme latest by 1st January, 2002.
(iii) It appears that some Antyodaya beneficiaries may be unable to lift grain because of penury. In
such cases, the Centre, the States and the Union Territories are requested to consider giving the quota free after satisfying
itself in this behalf.3. MID DAY MEAL SCHEME (MDMS)
(i) It is the case of the Union of India that there has been full compliance with regard
to the Mid Day Meal Scheme (MDMS). However, if any of the States gives a specific instance of non-compliance, the Union of
India will do the needful within the framework of the Scheme.
(ii) We direct the State Governments/ Union Territories to implement the Mid-Day
Meal Scheme by providing every child in every Government and Government assisted Primary Schools with a prepared mid day meal
with a minimum content of 300 calories and 8-12 grams of protein each day of school for a minimum of 200 days. Those Governments
providing dry rations instead of cooked meals must within three months start providing cooked meals in all Govt. and Govt.
aided Primary Schools in all half the Districts of the State (in order of poverty) and must within a further period of three
months extend the provision of cooked meals to the remaining parts of the State.
(iii) We direct the Union of India and the FCI to ensure provision of fair average quality grain for
the Scheme on time. The States/ Union Territories and the FCI are directed to do joint inspection of food grains. If the food
grain is found, on joint inspection, not to be of fair average quality, it will be replaced by the FCI prior to lifting.
(i) It is the case of the Union of India that there has been full compliance with regard
to the National Old Age Pension Scheme. However, if any of the States gives a specific instance of non-compliance, the Union
of India will do the needful within the framework of the Scheme.
(ii) The States are directed to identify the beneficiaries and to start making payments
latest by 1st January, 2002.
(iii) We direct the State Govts. / Union Territories to make payments promptly by the 7th of each month.
The States/ Union Territories are directed to identify the beneficiaries and distribute the grain latest
by 1st January, 2002.
(i) We direct the State Govts. / Union Territories to implement the Integrated Child
Development Scheme (ICDS) in full and to ensure that every ICDS disbursing centre in the country shall provide as under:
(a) Each child up to 6 years of age to get 300 calories and 8-10 gms of protein;
(b) Each adolescent girl to get 500 calories and 20-25 grams of protein;
(c) Each pregnant woman and each nursing mother to get 500 calories & 20-25 grams
of protein;
(d) Each malnourished child to get 600 calories and 16-20 grams of protein;
(e) Have a disbursement centre in every settlement.
(ii) It is the case of the Union of India that there has been full compliance of its
obligations, if any, under the Scheme. However, if any of the States gives a specific instance of non-compliance, the Union
of India will do the needful within the framework of the Scheme.
(i) We direct the State Govts. / Union Territories to implement the National Maternity
Benefit Scheme (NMBS) by paying all BPL pregnant women Rs. 500/- through the Sarpanch 8-12 weeks prior to delivery for each
of the first two births.
(ii) It is the case of the Union of India that there has been full compliance of its obligations under
the Scheme. However, if any of the States gives a specific instance of non-compliance, the Union of India will do the needful
within the framework of the Scheme.
(i) We direct the State Govts. / Union Territories to implement the National Family Benefit
Scheme and pay a BPL family Rs. 10,000/- within four weeks through a local Sarpanch, whenever the primary bread winner of
the family dies.
9. We direct that a copy of this order be translated in regional languages and in English
by the respective States/ Union Territories and prominently displayed in all Gram Panchayats, Govt. School Buildings and Fair
Price Shops.
10. In order to ensure transparency in selection of beneficiaries and their access to
these Schemes, the Gram Panchayats will also display a list of all beneficiaries under the various Schemes. Copies of the
Schemes and the list of beneficiaries shall be made available by the Gram Panchayats to members of public for inspection.
11. We direct Doordarshan and AIR to adequately publicise various Schemes and this order.
We direct the Chief Secretaries of each of the States and Union Territories to ensure compliance of this order. They will
report compliance by filing affidavits in this Court within 8 weeks from today with copies to the Attorney General and counsel
for the petitioner.
We grant liberty to the Union of India to file affidavit pursuant to the order of this Court dated
21st November, 2001. List the matter for further orders on 11th February, 2002. In the meanwhile, liberty is granted
to the parties to apply for further directions, if any.(B. N. KIRPAL) (K. G. BALAKRISHNAN)
New Delhi, November 28, 2001