With reference to this Court's direction dated 3rd September, 2001 requiring
16 States & Union Territories who, according to the learned Attorney General, had not identified the below poverty line
families under the Antyodaya Anna Yojana, to identify, we are not satisfied that any such exercise in the right earnestness
has been undertaken. Some of the States mention that the exercise is underway. Considering the seriousness of the matter,
one further opportunity is granted to these 16 States and Union Territories to comply with the Central Government's directions
within three weeks and to inform the Central Government about the number of below poverty line families under the Antyodaya
Anna Yojana which they have identified. Copies of the communication said by the said 16 States/Union Territories should also
be forwarded to the Attorney General who will inform the Court on the next date of hearing whether compliance has been made
or not.
In I.A. No. 8/2001 at pages 66-68, certain schemes of the Central Government are mentioned
which are required to be implemented by the State Governments. These schemes are: Employment Assurance Scheme which may have
been replaced by a Sampurna Gramin Yojana, Mid-day Meal Scheme, Integrated Child Development Scheme, National Benefit Maternity
Scheme for BPL pregnant women, and National Old Age Pension Scheme for destitute persons of over 65 years, Annapurna Scheme,
Antyodaya Anna Yojana, National Family Benefit Scheme and Public Distribution Scheme for BPL & APL families. The Chief
Secretaries of all the States & the Union Territories are hereby directed to report to the Cabinet Secretary, with copy
to the learned Attorney General, within three weeks from today with regard to the implementation of all or any of these Schemes
with or without any modification and if all or any of the Schemes have not been implemented then the reasons for the same.
The Central Government shall collate all the facts and thereafter take necessary action
in order to ensure the implementation of the said Schemes. A Status Report with regard thereto may be filed in Court within
five weeks. Before giving the Status Report, the Central Government will also ascertain with regard to the actual implementation
of the various Schemes. In the meantime, we direct all the State Governments to forthwith lift the entire allotment of foodgrains
from the Central Government under the various Schemes and disburse the same in accordance with the Schemes.
The Food for Work Programme in the scarcity areas should also be implemented by the various
States to the extent possible. To come up on 5th November, 2001.
Court Master Court Master