Comments on the Rural Employment Guarantee Bill 2004
Gram Swaraj Abhiyan -Jharkhand
Poor Household-
Provisions- Only including the BPL families and the primitive tribes.
Comments- All the poor household of the village should be beneficiary of the programme (In our definition
any person who is ready to do 8 hours hard labour as casual manual laborer is a poor person therefore any person who volunteer
their application for the employment should be within the scope of the act).Taking all the poor househo;ld and not just BPL
families is essential because it seems that in future all the work in the village(presently under various schemes) may be
incorporated under one umbrella- the EGA therefore person who are not in BPL will be denied to any employment if this act
is put into operation .Furthermore in Jharkhand contest there are so many irregularity in the BPL listing which will lead
to improper targeting of the scheme. Therefore all the capable adults in individual Poor House hold must get the opportunity
to work under the Scheme.
Minimum wages-
Provisions- "minimum wage", in relation to any area. means the minimum wage fixed by the State Government under section
3 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 agricultural labourers as applicable in that area;Comments- Universal wage rate for the whole
country and should not be as per
the notification of the state Government.
Unemployment Allowances-
Provisions- that no such rate shall be less than one-fourth of the wage rate for the first thirty days during the financial
year and not less than one-half of the wage rate for the remaining period of the financial year.
Comments- Unemployment despite the act should be seen as the failure of Government therefore laborer should
not be victimized and get 1/4 or ½ of the full wage. Worker should get the full wage in case Government is not able to provide
the employment. Priority should be to provide employment and not unemployment allowances.
100days employment
provisions- providing at least one hundred days of guaranteed wage employment in every financial year to every household
Comments- It should be minimum of 200 days of employment (100 days employment does not seems to be creating
extra work-humandays particularly if one count all the work-humandays created by present schemes it is equivalent or rather
more than 100 days. Therefore the bill should ensure at least 200 days of employment)
100 days employment guarantee = Employment days+ Unemployment allowances (as per the provision)
Comments- 100 days employment guarantee means 100 full wages.
Denied for Unemployment allowances for 3 months
Provisions-Applicants continuously remains absent from work, without obtaining a permission from the concerned implementing
agency for a period of more than one week or remains absent for a total period of more than one week in any month,shall not
be eligible to claim the unemployment allowance payable under this Act for a period of three months but shall be eligible
to seek employment under the Scheme at any time.
Comments- This is not practical in the State like Jharkhand where villagers migrate to outstation for long
duration and this is a type of punishment and should be deleted from the provisions.
Central and State council
Comments-( Addition) Opposition party should also be in the committee and the representative of the Human
rights commission, National and state commission of women, workers organisation and reputed civil society organizations representatives.
It should also include labour commissioners.
District Programme Officer and the Project Officer-
Comments- They have the maximum authority to handle the scheme(if one goes by the structure and spirit of
the proposed act) .In all likelihood these post will be merged with collector and BDO/CO. The bill should clearly mention
that these post will not be merged with existing post of collector and BDO/CO.These posts are so stately and power filled
that a common person will always fear in making them accountable.Furthermore the act should spell out such mechanism which
will ensure transparency and accountability in their functioning.Furthermore if they fail to render the services as per the
provisions of the act they should be held responsible and punitive actions should be taken against them.
Role of CAG
Provisions-The Central Government may, in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India,
prescribe appropriate arrangements for audits of the accounts of the Schemes at all levels.
Comments-CAG must also be authorized to include the report of Social audit and it should also be necessary to do the physical
verification by the CAG on the basis of report of Social audit organized by the Gram sabha.
Role of Gram sabha-
Comments (addition)- Gram Sabha must issue the Utilization and completion certificate and all the Bills and
voucher on Wage and material component must be approved by the Gram sabha. 100% of the work should be implemented by the Gram
sabha and not only 50%.
Legal right against the public servant
Provisions- No suit, prosecution or other legal proceedings shall lie against the District, Programme
Coordinator, Programme Officer or any other person who is, or who is deemed to be, a public servantComments- Gram sabha should
have the legal authority to file the complain against the officer in case not responding the villagers as per the norms and
accordingly steps to be taken by the higher authority and power must be given to an individual and the organisation for suiting
legal case in case if things are not moving in the right direction .
Women issue-
Addition- If any women worker applied for the work and during the work duration is pregnant then under the
maternity benefit she must get the full wages. And 50% work opportunity must be provided to the women if they volunteered
for work.
In case of outside employment
Provisions-In cases the employment i~ provided outside such radius, it must be provided within the Block,
and the labourers shall be paid ten per cent. of the wage rate as extra wages to meet additional transportation and living
Comments- 10% is very less and also it should be clear in the case(cash-kind)
Injury during work-
Provisions- If a person employed under a Scheme dies or becomes permanently disabled by accident arising out of and in
the course of employment, he shall be paid by the implementing agency an ex gratia payment at the rate of ten thousand rupees
or such amount as may be notified by the Central Government, and the amount shall be paid to the legal heirs of the deceased
or the disabled, as the case may be.Comments-Workmen compensation Act must be in function in the case may be and not the implementing
agency but the Government has to bear the cost of compensation.
Display of Board-
(Addition)- At work site all the information regarding the Scheme and the person working in the scheme should
be displayed before the commencement of work and will be displayed till last.
Drought effected area-
(Addition)-In the true spirit of affirmative action there should be extra provisioning for drought-affected